
Monday, August 13, 2012

Time to Celebrate

It is finally time to celebrate the completion of our new building.  We will be having our building dedication and centennial celebration on September 2nd at 2:00pm.  We will be moving into the new Worship Center very soon and hope to have all the "bugs" worked out for our big day.
We hope you can join us for a very special day as we remember our past and look forward to great future with all kinds of possibilities for Kingdom work.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Come and Celebrate

In many ways it seems like we have endured an incredibly long year but on the other hand, time still seems to fly by.  Many things have changed since the tornado on May 11, 2011.  Lives have certainly been changed and our community landscape is different than before.  The good news is that much rebuilding has been accomplished and much progress is in in motion.
 The Lord continues to show His faithfulness and goodness to us each day.  The new church building is underway and should be completed this summer.  Our worship celebrations in the Fellowship Hall are going well and we are involved in ministries to our church family and community.
 Please join us on May 20, 2012 for a GIANT PARKING LOT PARTY as we celebrate the survival of our church and community in the face of the storm and all the turmoil involved. We will begin at 5pm and have FREE hot dogs, games and music.  Hope you can come and celebrate with us.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Show them Jesus

What a great opportunity we have to have Jesus inside us each day.  That should make all the difference in the world to us. However, it's not always easy to let him show through, is it?  Maybe that shows us all the more reason we need him in our lives every moment. Don't miss a single opportunity to share his love and grace with those around you. Is he in YOU?  Let me know if I can help.
Have a great day and keep singing!!!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Blessed Beyond Measure

The Blendville Family has been blessed beyond measure since the tornado last May.
We are back home for worship and hope you will come and join us soon.
We have been able to resume our busy schedule of activities and ministry to our church and community.
Check out our calendar page and make your plans to be involved.
We continue to rejoice in God's grace and his abundant provision.
You have anything to be thankful for?  Of course you do, so let me hear about it.
I hope to be on here a little more often and share news and updates about what God is doing.